Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Looking ahead

This was a great year for the RHA, and we will miss our executive board members who are leaving, but we are also very excited to welcome our new team members!

President- Alex Beuchler
Vice President- Josef Mensah
Public Relations and Outreach- Alicia Hartlove
Student Groups Liaison- Danny Leydorf
National Communications Chair- Mitchell Amoros
Finance Officer- Rachael Vieder
Administrative Officer- Caroline Coates
CIO- Uneeb Qureshi

All of our new execs have already gotten started on their RHA work, even though finals just ended. The 2008-2009 academic year looks promising for on-campus students with the new team leading the way.

We look forward to working for our many constituents, and are very interested in hearing about your concerns. Our website (www.marylandrha.com) is under construction, but still accessible. We can all also be reached at voice@marylandrha.com Please do not hesitate to contact us with your concerns!

Enjoy the summer!

Alex Beuchler, President

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