Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The RHA votes to sign the Free Speech Letter

Resolution JMK001, 2009

A resolution Opposing Board of Regents Policy that would Discontinue the Right for the Residence Hall Association and Area Councils to Screen Any or All Films

Upon the approval of this resolution by the RHA Senate, the RHA will be added to the signatories of the Free Speech Letter drafted by the SGA.

Non-debateable questions:
Can you clarify what is meant in the final ‘therefore be it resolved’
That when choosing to show a movie at an RHA event, the host will take someone’s opinions into consideration if they think the movie shouldn’t be shown.

Where would the films in question be shown?
Anywhere: this would apply to films shown in Hoff or at events in Residence Halls.

Would these films be advertised?
If the person hosting the event wants to advertise, they must do it within the normal perimeters of Resident Life.

Do you think there will be a definition on “obscene”?
So far, there isn’t one, so we’re trying to be proactive in the event that there is a definition of obscene.

Keeping this decision to choose to show these movies in student power is important. It shouldn’t be deferred to the Board of Regents.

This is giving students the choice to see or not see a movie, no one is choosing for us what we can’t see.

This takes away a large part of our programming; residents should be able to get together and have a good time without having to find the educational component in the Office or a horror movie on Halloween.

This will take away from the establishment of community.

This resolution isn’t condoning the showing of pornography.

We are all adults. We can choose for ourselves.

This resolution supports that none of the current policy or practices will change.

It broadcasts the university in a bad light, especially if there is obscene signage.

We are opening ourselves to be criticized about every movie we show.

Even if this doesn’t mean we condone obscene movies, people still could get that impression.

This resolution passed 39:0:0

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Senate Minutes 9-29-09

Bill TCD001, 2009 Mixed Gendered Housing
: A Resolution to Move the Mixed Gendered Housing Program out of the Pilot Phase and into a Full Program under the Department of Resident Life

The RHA expresses its support of the Mixed Gendered Housing Program to the DRL through ReLATe and express its interest in being further involved in any decision needing to be made as the transition takes place.


Will moving this to permanent status allow this to expand to other residence halls?
Will moving it to a permanent status allow the program to expand within Commons and Courtyards?
Can you expand upon “data from participants that supports the success of the pilot program”
The Department of Resident Life has conducted surveys, mixers, and questionnaires in order to collect feedback from participants, all of which was positive
What were the goals of the program?
The purpose of this program was to allow friends of different genders to live together in one apartment
What is the application like?
The application includes your name and the names of the people you want to live with and why you want to live with them
The application is almost the same as the regular application to live in Commons/Courtyards
Have they had anyone try to move out halfway during the year because of unsatisfactory circumstances?
No, the only issues they have had so far was with one person choosing to study abroad for a semester
Why 64 spots?
DRL had to limit the number of apartments pulled out of open leasing
It is hard to find open apartments in Commons/Courtyards

Voting Ratio
Passed 30:0:4

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Your 2009 - 2010 RHA Councils

We on the RHA Exec Board was wondering if YOU knew who your hall council was.

Did you know we’ve already had our FIRST Senate Meeting and YOU could’ve been there? [Read up on it here: search RHA]

If you don’t know who we are or what we do, we can’t best advocate for you!

Your hall council is comprised of a president, a couple of vice-presidents, and two or more senators that work to put together programs for your hall or area and vote on your behalf in the RHA Senate.

Your hall/area council president is your hall/area visionary and makes sure your hall council functions efficiently and is doing what it can for you.

Your Vice Presidents are charged with a certain area of concentration, like the Vice President of Communication should be making sure you know what’s going on as far as events and important votes; your Vice President of Community Development may take the lead on putting together the event; and your Vice President of Sustainability is in charge of looking for new ways to keep the RHA and your hall/area sustainable. Some councils have other Vice Presidents like the Vice Presidents of Finance position.

Your Senators are at a Senate meeting every other Tuesday night, voting on whether to support or oppose campus policy that more than likely will affect you! Last Tuesday it was Mixed Gendered Housing in the Commons and Courtyards apartment, next meeting it could be (and SHOULD BE) something that YOU care about.

Some halls or areas might have floor reps which make it easier to get information to you and FROM you which is a very important aspect of what we do!

So you don’t know your council? It’s time you did! Here are your representatives to the RHA for the 2009 – 2010 school year.

To contact anyone, please e-mail!

RHA Overall Executive Board

Josef Mensah, President

Travis Durepo, Vice President

Julie Hudnet, Administrative Officer

Richard Solaski, Finance Officer

Uneeb Qureshi, Chief Information Officer

Ellen Farr, Student Groups Liaison

Samantha Lengyel, Public Relations and Outreach Officer

Mitchell Amoros, National Communications and Special Events Chairperson

Senators At-Large*

Senator At-Large Sean Collins

Senator At-Large Stanton Hudja

Senator At-Large James Galatola

Senator At-Large Justin Hudnet

Belair-Cambridge-Chestertown (BCC) Area Council

President Afareen Rezvani

Vice President of Programming Sam Lewis

Vice President of Communications Jillian Buchheim

Vice President of Membership Leslie Mok

Vice President of Finance Yasmin Amiri

Vice President Sustainability Liz Blankenhorn

Senator Damien Pinkett

Senator Marcela Lima

Advisor Ashlei Tobin-Robertson

Centreville Hall Council

President Chelsea Yin

Vice President of Communications & Finance Kevin Ludwig

Vice President of Programming and Community Development Guergana Stoytcheva

Vice President of Public Relations Nick Duong

Vice President of Sustainability Christopher Mertens

Senator Li min Kuan

Senator Sasha Azar

Advisor Danielle Nied

Commons Area Council

President Anna Leary

Vice President of Communications Scott Roberts

Vice President of Finance Kristen Peterson

Senator Debbie Kobrin

Senator Casey Anis

Senator Lauren Shipton

Senator Kiara Carty

Senator Yoni Levy

[Senator Position Open]

[Senator Position Open]

Advisor Stella Okeke

Courtyards Area Council

President Bridget Gallagher

Vice President of Communication Courtney Buchanan

Senator Josh Griner

[Senator Position Open]

CA Liaison Michael Currie

Advisor Victor Lee

Cumberland Hall Council

President Catherine Williams

Vice President of Communication Carlos Walmsley

Vice President of Sustainability Drew Needham

Senator Laith Abu-Taleb

Senator April Vesely

Advisor Joshua Beeson

Denton Hall Council

President Manas Kulkarni

Vice President of Administration Emily Kleiman

Vice President of Community Development Michael Ravitch

Vice President of Finance Pratik Dixit

Vice President of Publicity and Out-reach Elizabeth McLellan

Senator Mohammad Zia

Senator Rachel Kenigsberg

Advisor Cory Hibbetts

E-mail Denton Hall Council at

Easton Hall Council

President Michelle Ferrare

Vice President for Communication Matthew McKay

Vice President for Community Development and Programming Allison Palmadesso

Vice President of Sustainability Devun Pahwa

Senator Deep Mahapatra

[Senator Position Open]

Advisor Kevin Pitts

Elkton Hall Council

President Matthew Breitenother

Vice President of Communication Christian Gragasin

Vice President of Community Development Shakia Pennix

Senator Mike Lovaas

Senator Lance Haohan

Advisor Lisa Alexander

Ellicott Hall Council

President Crystal Wang

Vice President Communication Nikko Khuc

Vice President of Community Development Seth Backer

Vice President of Sustainability Nima Sarfaraz

Senator Justin Shugarman

Senator Jonathan Hoffman

Advisor Erin Shlegel

Hagerstown Hall Council

President Nina Rosenberg

Vice President of Communications Joan So

Vice President of Sustainability Akshay Gandhi

Senator Kayode Ogunsola

Senator Avishek Saha

Advisor Tiffany Gaines

La Plata Hall Council

President Martina Beshai

Vice President of Communications Shalesha Lake

Vice President of Finance Chul Kwon

Vice President of Sustainability Scott Cypen

Senator MacKenzie Campbell

Senator Brad Scott

Floor Representative Brendan Fennessy

Advisor Jeanni Simpson

Leanordtown Area Council

President Erika Roberge

Vice President of Communications Marc Karlinsky

Vice President of Community Development Kobena Waters

Senator Samantha Creange

Senator Amber Travis

Advisor Kelly Tavenner

North Hill Area Council (NHAC)

President Monique Robinson

Vice President for Communications Joshua Goldstein

Vice President for Community Development Janina Vaitkus

Vice President of Sustainability Eric Dai

Senator Jonathan Katz

Senator Corie Stretton

Senator Zohara Barth

Senator Nicolaus Krug

Advisor Mawine Diggs

South Hill Area Council (SHAC)

President Joshua Finifter

Vice President of Advocacy Roshan Shah

Vice President of Communication Benjamin Magno

Vice President of Finance John Ford

Vice President of Sustainability Amy Schwarzl

Senator Kathleen Hartinger

Senator Eric Harvey

Senator Matheos Yirga

Senator Laura Murphy

Senator Kerin Miller

Advisors Angie Major and O’Juan Edwards

Here’s to a great year everybody!

Josef Mensah, RHA President

*appointed by the RHA Vice President to represent entire campus.