Thursday, October 8, 2009

Senate Minutes 9-29-09

Bill TCD001, 2009 Mixed Gendered Housing
: A Resolution to Move the Mixed Gendered Housing Program out of the Pilot Phase and into a Full Program under the Department of Resident Life

The RHA expresses its support of the Mixed Gendered Housing Program to the DRL through ReLATe and express its interest in being further involved in any decision needing to be made as the transition takes place.


Will moving this to permanent status allow this to expand to other residence halls?
Will moving it to a permanent status allow the program to expand within Commons and Courtyards?
Can you expand upon “data from participants that supports the success of the pilot program”
The Department of Resident Life has conducted surveys, mixers, and questionnaires in order to collect feedback from participants, all of which was positive
What were the goals of the program?
The purpose of this program was to allow friends of different genders to live together in one apartment
What is the application like?
The application includes your name and the names of the people you want to live with and why you want to live with them
The application is almost the same as the regular application to live in Commons/Courtyards
Have they had anyone try to move out halfway during the year because of unsatisfactory circumstances?
No, the only issues they have had so far was with one person choosing to study abroad for a semester
Why 64 spots?
DRL had to limit the number of apartments pulled out of open leasing
It is hard to find open apartments in Commons/Courtyards

Voting Ratio
Passed 30:0:4

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