Sunday, November 22, 2009

Response to "A Lotto Trouble"

Response to A Lotto Trouble:

I am very glad that after last Tuesday's Senate meeting, the issue of the Rising Third Year Housing Lottery has received attention. As a supporter who voted for the Lottery System at its conception as is, I must say that this year's RHA Senate did a very good job analyzing and unpacking the intended and unintended consequences of the resolution presented. After voting, many RHA members expressed interest in looking into the issue much deeper.

The statement by the Diamondback staff editorial that there is "ambivalence and lack of initiative" on the RHA's part is simply untrue. This editorial probably would not be published without the RHA taking initiative in discussing the matter first. No RHA Senator has drafted an alternative resolution because the first was presented just five days ago! They have yet to have the opportunity to meet within their respective committees and garner as much student input as possible.

Students have just begun contacting their RHA representatives about the Housing Lottery, sharing their opinions and proposing what they would like to see done e-mail, facebook, and hall council meetings.

The RHA prides itself on being the voice of resident students. The conversation pertaining to the Housing Lottery has just begun to get interesting and resident students and their RHA representatives are heavily engaged and using time wisely in order to address the issue with the utmost care.

Our next Senate Meeting is December 8, 2009 in the Benjamin Banneker Room of the Stamp Student Union.

E-mail us at

This post written by:
Josef Mensah
RHA President

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

RHA: walks softly and carries a big stick. So what if you didn't notice RHA's efforts? The RHA's not loud; they're doing the work, not merely talking about it.